
Feeling the same way all over again...

Saturday, March 12, 2005


why were manners invented?
why do i have to have to say somethings even if i dont mean them, just to be polite?
does it matter what everyone thinks if i say out loud what i think?
must i say something artificially nice, copy pasted from memory, without meaning a word of it?
why should there be a set template on behavior?
why should it be decided how everyone should behave?
how can it be a pleasure to meet everyone or wish the same nice way best of luck for everyone?
Then arent words just an empty, ineffective medium?
what matters more? being told what is wrong to my face, or not being told to not 'hurt' my feelings?
do they really care? should it matter if they care?and should i do what "should" be done?
who decides "should"?


Blogger Kush said...

>:D< i know. :)

Sunday, March 13, 2005 1:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh wow! really impressed! these are some amazingly powerful questions; i for one really love 'who decides should?'

now i'm dying with curiosity about what brought that on. and the only thing i can share from my experience is that we all act in certain ways so as to ensure that we'll also be acted on the same way when its us at the other end! so we're polite in the expectation of politeness, nice in the expectation of niceness.... nasty, hoping that it won't be remembered or that it can be apologized for. and then expect that people will forget.

sorrrryyyy... not to sermonize. just very curious.... will you post the 'whole story?'

Monday, March 21, 2005 4:47:00 PM  
Blogger junat said...

hey its u who decides wat to do
its u who is going to live ur life
dont really care if u dont feel like then dont do it
only thing is to not hurt anyone that loves and cares for u like ur parents and close friends
but ya u must not keep ur point of view away from them jus becoz of a code of conduct u need to follow

Tuesday, May 10, 2005 1:53:00 PM  

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