In Transition...
School's over, college too. There was this voidish time too soon after but that's over too and now its Prep time before I become a 'grown up' who goes to 'office' and applies for a PAN card, has medical insurance of her own and looks at which mutual fund makes most sense to invest in:p
This is it baby.
This is what they were preparing you for all that time in college. There's the furtive convos in yahoo groups as to appropriate office attire and conduct; college snaps scanned are passed around, good ol' times awready recalled, some more interesting snaps 'morphed' by the morphers, college couples showered blessings to live together happily ever after...
In between, some money is made.. teaching in institutes that prepare for entrances to institutions that prepare one to get a job, a pan card, medical insurance, pay check and make decisions about tax savings.
Its fun to be on the other side. To be called 'maam', to have eyes looking gravely, heads nodding furiously as notes are taken, notes which include everyword you've uttered, including 'or whatever..'.
Its also gratifying to get an overall score of 7.88/10 to the question
'Evaluate your instructor, on a scale of 1 to 10'.
Especially when thats all you wanted to know, even though you gave them 5 other questions to respond to, in a class survey you prepared overnite to just see how good you really are.
My favorite answers were 10/10, Excellent:D. I'm not in KG anymore, but theres nothing like getting a 10/10, Excellent, in anything. (when i was in school, i used to pester maam till she drew 5 stars also, along with the 10/10:)
And then there is the dreaming, where one shall lose 5 kgs in that last week before joining work, and go jogging/cycling/running 'from tomorrow', and hence go shopping only after some flab is lost;))
While things go round and round again, after college, so does my blog for now. A brand new template, Finally the links to my favourite blogs, and some i find checkout worthy, and whatever else i think will go in a grown up blog:D will be out soon:D
Comments invited. I Have a new Be Regular at your Blog plan as well:D so hopefully, will be keeping all posted on the happenings in me life;)
PS: Does anyone have any idea on what vegetarian dish can be cooked out of asparagus? No im not getting married soon-so taking cooking classes, received an unusual 'gift' of some hundred sticks of asparagus, showed it around to frends and found out it was called asparagus;)) and dunno wat to do with it:p
would you believe that there's actually a michigan asparagus advisory board? and that they'd have recipes there?
no? check out
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