It’s eyes that play tricks. Eyes that play all the tricks.
Like a 10 year old’s ponytail that goes swishing right, even with oiling, pinning down and banding.
Eyes. Not the tricks of those girls with dancing eyes, that invite, entice, excite.
But eyes that look away when they really must bravely look through and pretend there isn’t much to look through…
Like air and water. Water and air. Raindrops falling right through air. Air making water whirl.
And eyes that look through eyes pretending to look through.
While lips are on autopilot. Trying hard to drown the insistent whirring of eyes that pretend and eyes that look through the pretence. The lips on autopilot. And the lips that barely can conceal a smile.
Do the lips that smiled know… Of the eyes that pretended mirth while concealing something else?
Where is shoutbox :(
whoa! and i thought only i knew what eyes say...
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